2012 ICF Freestyle World Cup Competition; #1 Rock Island

The first World Cup in the Series was in Rock Island, TN and it was, hands down, the most organized competition we’ve ever competed at!  There were 3 days of competition and each day there was water only during a certain number of hours, so everything had to run smoothly to get all the events in and it was as perfect as could ever be hoped for.  To simply be here at this event is crazy exciting, there is so much adrenaline, so much excitement, and, for us, so much unknown!!

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Freer Than We’ve Ever Been!

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.–Mahatma Gandhi

In the midst of our travels we’ve met so many different people from different walks of life.  People of different religions, people of different political persuasions, people with small families and people with large families, friendly people and un-friendly people have all crossed our paths.  We’ve also traveled through large cities and small rural towns, we’ve seen overtly rich people and overtly poor.

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