A Family Adventure That Never Ends

Kelloggs take family RV experience to new level

By Anita Miller
News Editor

San Marcos — “We don’t do anything fast.”

Lots of people can say that, but few with the conviction of Susie Kellogg, matriarch of the 14-member traveling family that spent most of this week in San Marcos.

Calling themselves “The Kellogg Show,” the family is traveling around the country, living out of their  RV and home-schooling most of their 12 children — the exceptions being 18-year-old Kerry, who graduated from high school in their native Glenwood Springs, Colo. and those still too young for lessons, like their five-week-old infant Coben.

The family is rounded out, with seven sons and five daughters.

Family members are avid kayakers, with three of the children in training for the U.S. Freestyle Whitewater team, coming up in April in North Carolina.

Much of their time in San Marcos was spent at Rio Vista Falls, where the whole family — and a dog — took to the water in one way or another. Their evenings were spent at Tom and Paula Goynes’ San Marcos River Retreat.

That’s where the family initially met last night with a crew from “The Today Show.” The TV crew also plans to meet with them back at home in Colorado, where they’re spending Christmas, and to film their process of packing before they return to the road early next year.

How did they happen to put San Marcos on their itinerary?

“We were looking for places where water is still flowing this time of year,” explains dad Dan. The fact they had family in the Houston area made the Central Texas stop even more practical.

And, they fully approve of Rio Vista Falls. “Based on the design, it’s awesome for almost any trick,”  he added.

A software engineer by trade, Dan had been working at home for some time when the family decided to take things one step further and live on the open road. They chronicle much of their activities at kelloggshow.com.

When they began the adventure, the plan was to sell their Colorado home but that’s proved tough in the current housing market, Dan says.

What’s it like to travel with such a large family on one vehicle? “We’re not inside very often. We go in there to sleep,” Susie said. “The RV makes travel so much easier.”

Published on the front page of the San Marcos Record on December 7, 2012

My First Year Competing in Freestyle Kayaking

I am Kady Kellogg, I’m 13 and this was my first year freestyle kayaking and my first year competing. I was really scared at the beginning of the year. The first competition I did was in Glenwood Springs, CO. I didn’t really want to compete because there weren’t many girls but it was good for me to get my feet wet because I had to compete against my brothers and other boys the whole year. In Green River, WY, I was planning to compete, but when I surfed the hole I got stuck in it and it made me really scared so I didn’t compete there.

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