Most Inspirational Life Video Filmed by a 7 Year Old Girl – “Sunny Day, Oooh”

What inspires you? What motivates you? What gets you up and out the door? Do you suffer well? Or do you crumble at the first sign of difficulty? Are you stressed and overwhelmed by your past or your future? Or do you take each struggle as it comes, focusing on the task at hand? Below, you’ll find the Most Inspirational Life Video, filmed entirely by a 7 year old girl. And along with it, some pretty amazing lyrics.

Inspirational kids living extraordinary lives.
Carving like there is no tomorrow …. Photo Credit: John Stroud, Post Independent

Today we were interviewed by a company in Arlington, VA. We were asked about our fears when deciding to travel fulltime in an RV with 12 kids. We responded with the fact that we had no fears. 12 kids is our life, we do everything with 12 kids and so it doesn’t seem like a big deal to us. Now, traveling with 3 or 4 dogs … that’s sounds insane, miserable even. It all boils down really to what you are used to. And we are used to our family and living life like a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It’s a mentality we have passed down to our kids. Even adventure, every moment, is an opportunity, a lifeline to live an extraordinary life.

Which is why we approach each day like a gift. Like every parent, I am infuriated by the words, “I’m bored”, but for different reasons, I presume. Boredom expresses, to me, a lack of motivation, a lack of creativity, and most importantly, a lack of understanding of the gift they have been given. Health, freedom, vitality, love, family … the list goes on and on. To squander these immense blessings with trivial feelings of boredom is unacceptable to me.

Crazy Elly, an inspiration because fear doesn't dictate her actions.
Always Unstoppable, Elly faces every obstacle with grace and strength!`

Learning to make the most out of every situation is a Kellogg legacy.  I’ve been privvy to the hilarity of watching Kenny and Dally buy project sleds and put their heart and soul into rebuilding these old sleds from the ground up. While they have a few successes, mostly what they experience is failure. And that is ok, because they are learning and because they are having fun and because they are doing it together. In the grand scheme of things these failures are better than easy successes because it is teaching them the biggest lesson in life and that is to be a person who suffers well.

Dan is a man who is the epitome of this particular strength in character. It is with great pride for me, as a mom, to see my boys following in the footsteps of their amazing father. One foot in front of the other every day, regardless of the odds … just keep moving and making progress.

And, then to see our little Elly summoning her inherent joy on the mountain, trying to conquer the powder on a tiny board, she herself not weighing 1 lb over 50 … it’s a sruggle for sure, but she doesn’t get beat down. In fact, she uses this opportunity to prove to herself that she won’t get left, that she won’t let this difficulty beat her.

Originally this video was seen as just a display of Elly’s joy, her sweet, funny, little self that we all know and love. But then it was pointed out to me, by a facebook friend, that this video portrays everyday life and how we should all approach our own crosses. I was moved by the deepness in which this friend associated with our sweet, tiny, yet, ferocious girl and struck by how on point her observation was.

So without further ado … here’s the most inspirational video filmed entirely by a 7 year old girl … hear her ROAR!


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